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Pavilion White Tea Collection

Pillow Lavender Collection

White Michelia Collection

Freesia Valley Collection

White Musk Collection

Infuse the box with a delightful blend of your favorite scents as you mix and match!

香薰蠟燭篇 | 香薰蠟燭功效知多少?

香薰蠟燭篇 | 香薰蠟燭功效知多少?


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Pavilion White Tea | 亭下白茶 (佛手柑 | 橙花 | 白茶)

a candle with the scent mixed with bergamot and white tea

Lavender and Sandalwood | 薰衣草與檀香 (薰衣草 | 檀香 | 麝香)

a candle mixed with lavender and sandalwood which can improve the mental problem



White Musk| 白麝香 (麝香調)

a  candle with musky scent that can help the sleeping condition

White Michelia | 白蘭花 (花香調)

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Mediterranean Bay Leaf | 異國月桂葉 (黑莓 | 葡萄柚 | 月桂葉)

a citrus candle with bay leaf which can uplift your mood

Alaska | 阿拉斯加 (薄荷 | 生薑 | 廣藿香)

 candle mixed with ginger and mint that can bring a clean and bright aroma to u

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Jasmine | 茉莉 (花香調)


the scent from jasmine candle can make you focus on your work
