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香氛植物萃取沐浴露 | 白蘭花

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Volume: 500ml



最純粹的香味 - 以白蘭花香為主調,不添加任何香氣 。與新鮮的白蘭花並無分別,還原最接近香味。

香氛植物萃取沐浴露,溫和潔淨同時滋養肌膚,四季通用。有效保護皮膚滋潤不乾燥,保持皮膚 pH 值平衡,適合所有肌膚使用。多種植物萃取成份能深層修護肌膚並減少水分流失,沐浴後肌膚感覺清新又充滿柔滑香氣。

• 不含硫酸鹽(Sulfate)、無刺激性起泡劑(SLS/SLES)、無Paraben防腐劑,溫和清潔同時維持肌膚完美水嫩。

• 蘊含海藻和仙人掌萃取,有效鎖住肌膚水份,減少因乾燥所引起的刺癢和紅腫。

• 加入了金盞花和洋甘菊萃取,能夠舒緩肌膚乾燥的不適,同時增強皮膚的天然屏障,為肌膚提供更多保護。

• 糅合了柑橘、橙花和白茶的香氣,綻放著日常的淡雅芬芳。

Instruction:Apply body wash onto wet skin or loofah and massage over your skin to create foaming lather. Rinse with warm water and enjoy softer, smoother skin.

Cautions:For external use only. Stop usage if skin irritation appears, If symptoms continue, consult a physician
or specialist. Do not use on areas of wounds. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. If
happened, rinse eyes thoroughly with water. Store in cool place.It is suggested to be used up within
four months after opening.

住宅:SF Express

速運工廈:Kerry Logistics

After submit the order,To be delivered within 1 -2 days.
